Cafe Penguini

Today, you’ll be the actual director at Cafe Penguini! Poor Berthe is exhausted at work and you have to assist her. The restaurant has recently opened, but there’s only one table open, and there are many customers at the cafe. Penguin isn’t able to take care of customers, and there’s an unsavory chef on her side, always angry and ranting about some issue. Take charge of the place and learn some cool tricks. People are drawn to the warm atmosphere, tasty menu, and the location of the cafe since it is floating in the ocean.
Help Berta Help Berta: Place a guest at a table, place their order and then serve them the food they’d like. If the chef is in error and cooks food that is not needed and it’s thrown away and the customer is upset. Relieve him and provide an alternative that is tasty. The menu is packed with burgers and ice desserts, sweet eclairs, pizza, lemonade, toast and lots of other treats. In the beginning, there is at you is only one table for the newcomer and not be apathetic and serve fast. The customer is allowed to wait for 30 seconds. If you don’t have enough time to serve orders and he’ll leave with a smattering of resentment about the cafe. Don’t let this happen!
The growth of an institution is dependent on its success and its profitability. In the course of the day, you must have an amount to pay in the register for cash. After you have earned it in the cafe is afloat on ice to a different location where the variety and patrons are greater. In time, you’ll be able to put up some tables, increase the menu of food items and learn huge tips from walruses, happy bears and penguins. Test your skills, as we’re certain you’re the best!