Penguin Diner 3 – Family Cafe

The new version of “Penguin Diner 3” restaurant management is growing in popularity. The diner is now as a family of restaurants, staffed by managers and chefs. It is imperative to ensure that each guest sits to eat at your table. Ensure that everyone enjoys an excellent meal, and then gives a generous tip! The process of managing this isn’t always straightforward, as nobody has ever cancelled the flow of guests. It is possible to work on your own, but you’ll be able to handle the job!
The rules of the game have changed. In this game you must manage the waiter penguin swiftly and with care as you must complete a lot of instances. On the table, you will be served dishes from the menu, and invite guests to dine. You must select the appropriate plate and hand the waiter your choice to give to the customer. Additionally, there’s an cash register available throughout the day, and the time limit to complete one step. If you are able to maintain your pace, in the end, you will be rewarded with the praise and cash for a job well-done. In contrast, the opposite outcome forces you to go through the same level until you finish the task flawlessly.
The game’s graphics are vibrant and vividly drawn. It is possible to see every aspect of the food, the shapely penguins, and sounds that are in sync with the game. With points earned you can purchase additional ingredients for the menu, change the look of the restaurant or recruit a new member to the staff. It’s your choice, but keep in mind that your success is contingent on your effort and determination! Best of luck!